Page 10 - Chicagoland Cooperator Winter 2020
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10 THE CHICAGOLAND COOPERATOR  —WINTER 2020  CHICAGOCOOPERATOR.COM  The support you need  to manage your associations.  Hugh Rider   ph: (773) 989-8000  REALTYMORTGAGECO.COM  Call Us  Today.  Chicago’s   Trusted  Customized Property   Management Program.  Since 1906  The Premier Landscaping Maintenance    Contractor in Chicago’s Western Suburbs  Preserving, Protecting, and Enhancing your communities values.  630-393-7373  been  very ironic,”  says Gallogly, “in  that  pantries and food banks, working with   lifestyle directors are normally tasked with  the local United Way, has really helped to   bringing people together—and now they  keep  the  community  spirit alive.  Many of   literally have to keep people apart. This has  the clubs and groups like ladies’ and men’s   posed a very big challenge for management.  lunch groups, book clubs, wine tasting, gui-  Very early on in the pandemic, we started  tar club, etc. have been able to meet outside,   to see our various sites making adaptations  weather permitting, while social distancing.   to their activity calendars as the country  This has also helped to maintain social con-  started to shut down. This included clos-  ing pools, fitness centers, and kids’ clubs,  as well, where everyone sets up their own   and canceling traditional celebrations like  tables, chairs, food, and music at the end   St. Patrick’s Day and Easter festivities. We  of their driveways and socialize from a dis-  quickly sought out candid feedback from our  tance with their neighbors.”   directors from all regions on weekly Zoom   calls to discuss what was happening in their  connected and engaged while safely social-  world. This simple move has been a lifesaver  ly distancing,” adds Gallogly. “Some of the   for our operations team. For instance, man-  agers shared tips on what vendors had gym  person are now being offered virtually, along   wipes or sanitizer in stock, along with best  with kids’ programming like karate and bal-  practices  for  programming   at 55+, mixed-  aged,  resort,  and  high-rise  properties.”  Lynne Ed-  wards, also with   WTS, is a life-  style director at   Four  Seasons  at Monmouth   Woods,  in  Howell,  New  Jersey. She adds   that “networking and idea-sharing between  during the summer months and when the   lifestyle directors are becoming more and  weather  is more cooperative. Activities   more important than ever before. Weekly  like geocaching in the Catskills region and   Zoom calls have become very productive  rocket building in some of their mixed-age   and important, as social distancing will con-  tinue to be the way of life for a while. One  popular. In New Jersey and Nevada, virtual   great positive with virtual programming  group exercise classes and personal train-  is that lifestyle directors can now combine  ing have become the norm, and can be both   programs where multiple communities can  streamed live or pre-recorded and replayed   participate together in one event.”  The Evolution of Bingo Night  Management and lifestyle staff have  also been very popular. To participate, resi-  had to be quick on their feet since the CO-  VID-19 crisis began. Balancing safety and  and pick it up at the store or have it delivered   activity was also a matter of balancing san-  ity. Much has been written and discussed  book Live. Movies outdoors on community   regarding the toll that the social isolation of  lawns or in parking lots have been another   quarantine has taken on community cohe-  sion and individual mental health—particu-  larly in demographics that thrive on social  marked out six feet apart to be socially dis-  interaction.  “I have been so impressed by the flex-  ibility and ingenuity the lifestyle profes-  sionals  continue  to  show,”  says  Gallogly.  drink-making kit from a local bar, which   “It’s really been remarkable how quickly  was delivered to their home. Participants   they have been able to adapt. Social events  then joined the scheduled Zoom meeting to   like ‘Wine-Down’ Wednesdays, the annual  watch the mixologist instructor live to learn   Cinco de Mayo celebrations, and ‘summer  how to make the craft cocktails. After the   kick-offs’ have taken place in driveways and  drinks were made, the residents logged into   clubhouse parking lots all over during the  a private group for a resident-only happy   \[summer and early fall\]. In some of our 55+  hour to socialize with friends and neighbors   communities, we offer a live stream of bingo  and enjoy the fruits of their labor.  night, weekly happy hours, and even chef   demonstrations.”   “Philanthropic events have been another   way to connect in 55+ communities,” says   Edwards. “Partnering with the local food   nections safely. Block parties are popular   “These  activities  keep  the  community   popular  card  games  traditionally  held  in   let. We leveraged   various social me-  dia  platforms and   web-based sites to   hold dance con-  tests,  talent shows,   and weekly  ‘par-  ent-and-me’ story   time.”     New Approaches  Gallogly  ex-  plains  that  na-  ture-related  pro-  gramming had a   resurgence of sorts   communities in the Florida market were   when it’s convenient for each resident.   Edwards reports that ‘Paint & Sips’ have   dents purchase a basic painting kit online   and join the class virtually via Zoom or Face-  popular event where everyone comes with   their chairs, beverages, and food. Spaces are   tant and watch the movies safely. They also   offered a mixology happy hour in Arlington,   Texas, recently, where residents purchased a   SOCIAL...  continued from page 1  “It’s been very ironic in that   lifestyle directors are normally   tasked with bringing people   together—and now they lit-  erally have to keep people   apart.”                     — Amy Gallogly

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