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CHICAGO.COOPERATORNEWS.COM  COOPERATORNEWS CHICAGOLAND  —  EXPO 2021    23  There are many reasons HOAs choose GAF roo  ng   for the homes in their developments.   Here are three:   Quality products from a company you can trust  Peace of mind with industry-leading warranties     And the beauty homeowners want  Find out more at  We protect what matters   most  ™  © 2019 GAF 3/19  Why GAF?  .  .  .  833 469 4842  -  -  ROOFING   SIDING   GUTTERS  •  •  QUALITY  HOME IMPROVEMENT  firm specializing in energy optimization  processes for reaching them. Thinking   for commercial and residential buildings  about any upcoming projects or capital   with  offices  in  New  York,  Connecticut,  needs with one eye on carbon reduction   and Massachusetts—tells   CooperatorNews    solutions will allow boards and managers   that existing multifamily buildings would  to integrate efficiency and savings as they   do best to “start with what you have.”   “There’s lots of sophisticated systems  key. Boards should think about interde-  out there,” continues Zuluaga, “but at a  pendencies  of  systems  and  components,   minimum,  looking  at  your  annual  bills  and how projects might be completed   and understanding the implications is as  simultaneously or in sequence to achieve   important as making sure that the data is  the best bang for the buck in terms of   right.” Several U.S. cities, including New  both overall costs and long-term savings.   York City and Chicago, have adopted   benchmarking  standards  for  large  resi-  dential buildings as part of a larger climate  still run on oil are really going to have to   compliance initiative. New York’s Local  address moving to a new system. If they   Law 97, for example, requires buildings  don’t have access to gas, a transition to   over 25,000 square feet to submit profes-  sional energy assessments and achieve  way to go. While likely a huge undertak-  energy reduction benchmarks at five-year  ing, the move to electric systems in gen-  intervals  leading up to 2050, when  the  eral is where we are headed, and Doherty   city  intends  to  reach  its  carbon-neutral  is “a big fan of heat pumps”—the technol-  goal. “Then as new equipment goes into  ogy that distributes heating and cooling   your building,” continues Zuluaga, “make  from a non-fossil-burning ground or air   that ‘smart’ equipment—that means it’s  source. An added benefit of such a sys-  responsive to the needs of the residents  tem is that buildings that lacked central   and  the  people  in  the  building,  and  in-  cludes telling you how the building’s do-  ing, how the equipment’s doing—and you  back individual unit owners or tenants for   can get more sophisticated over time.”  While the first year for accurate data  for usage reduction, which in turn reduc-  submission in Local  Law  97  isn’t  until  es carbon emissions, as well as costs.    2024, there is no reason not to start the   process now—regardless of where you  however. Says Doherty: “Some buildings   live. For one thing, these types of projects  are going to have issues with power, and   take a while to research, analyze, estimate,  have to bring power to the building and   and install. Even if you start examining  then to the apartments. There’s going to   your building’s energy data today, it could  be  issues  with  buildings  as  to  where  to   take until 2024 to actually implement the  put the condensers and where to put the   modifications that will bring your build-  ing to required carbon emission limits,  gonna just have issues with the costs asso-  which only get more stringent over time.  ciated with doing that conversion. There   And another important factor that Zulu-  aga indicates is that once these modifica-  tions are online, they will deliver savings  projects that are happening in New York   in costs, usage, and efficiency, no matter  City right now through NYSERDA”—the   where your building is located. Why not  New York State Energy Research and De-  reap those benefits as soon as possible?   Kelly Doherty, vice president of First-  Service Energy, the energy management  tifamily buildings to heat pumps. So I am   and advisory subsidiary of national prop-  erty management company FirstSer-  vice Residential, points out that build-  ings and communities looking to reduce   their carbon output should focus first   on their heating and domestic hot water   systems—because that’s where carbon   mainly comes from. “So at the end of the   useful life of your boiler,” she gives as an   example, “you’re getting ready to replace   it—what are your options for the rooftop   unit that runs on gas?” Doherty echoes   other experts in that it is not a one-size-  fits-all approach. “Every building is going   to have to create their own master plan of   how they’re going to get to that thresh-  old,” she continues.  This is an important point. Boards and   their professional managers need to be   strategic as they map out their goals and   move forward. A holistic approach is also   Pumping It Up  Doherty notes that older buildings that   electric heating and cooling might be the   cooling will now be able to provide it. Ad-  ditionally, it will make it easier to charge   their usage—which could be a motivator   It’s  not necessarily an  easy  transition   units themselves. And other buildings are   are some new technologies that are com-  ing, and there are some demonstration   velopment Authority—“and other agen-  cies that are looking at converting mul-  hopeful that we’ll have more data on how   well those buildings are doing.”  The Time Is Nigh  No matter where you are, what type of   building you are in, or which sustainabil-  ity projects are on the list, “don’t wait ‘til   the last minute,” warns Doherty. “That is   when you’re going to run into problems—  and you also might have problems getting   incentives, because there’s going to be a   ton starting in 2020 and through 2025   that you want to capture. But you need to   have a plan first.”   Follow the Scout motto and be pre-  pared. You will be saving headaches,   money, and—oh, yeah—the planet.          n  Darcey Gerstein is Associate Editor and   Staff Writer for CooperatorNews.  See us at Booth 116  See us at Booth 317

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