Page 10 - CooperatorNews Chicagoland Spring 2022
P. 10  Search  Enter Category or   Company and   Location Above  Add Your  Business  Search By  Category  Search Now  rain  or  melting  snow  can  settle  into  the   cracks and then, at night when it freezes,   it expands.” He goes on to say that mor-  tar, caulking, and sealants should all be  tion, by March or April, there is some  “so association staff should prepare heav-  inspected for cracks.   Speaking of harsh winters, Chicago’s  freeze-thaw cycles, and products used to  fresh corner guards and ensuring that el-  residential buildings get a substantial  mitigate these elements like salt, sand,  evator pads are in good condition to bet-  amount of damage from snow and ice  and burlap have left a mess—and that  ter protect the cabs. These steps can save  as you can, as people are going to want to   during the gnarly cold months—but roofs  mess has been dragged through lobbies,  thousands of dollars in repairs after the  play as soon as the weather turns. If you   are  particularly  vulnerable, says Butler.  elevators,  hallways,  and  other  common  moving season is over.”  He explains that snow on a roof will start  spaces of residential buildings for the last   to melt from the heat of the building, but  few months. Downed branches, leaves,  with spring can often result in wet lobbies  you want to make sure that you’re on the   then  freeze  again  as  it  moves  outward,  and other debris need to be removed from  with  slippery conditions,”  so  “in-house  vendor’s calendar so they can do it right   causing ice ridges to form at the roof’s  flower beds, awnings, tree pits, and roofs.  staff should replace worn lobby floor  away and you maximize the value to your   edge. Known as “ice damming,” this con-  dition causes the melting snow to pool  ing, while pool decks and playgrounds  windows and doors, and confirm that   and prevents it from draining, leading  have gathered dust.   to leaks and other problems when the   weather starts to warm.   The experts agree that roofs are an ex-  ample of an area where specialists should  the fair weather to conduct their home  be left to the professionals—and includes  pressure washing and painting areas that   be engaged for inspections and repairs.  search—it is a good time to do some “de-  The distance from the ground is only one  tailing”; washing windows, pruning bush-  consideration. Using an under-qualified  es and trees, cleaning light fixtures and  tion and repaired or replaced if necessary.  ty spaces. “Salt, slush, ice, and dirt have   worker for such a task isn’t just danger-  ous for the worker; it can void warranties,  plants and art will go a long way toward  going to live,” says Betoff. “People buy  two or three months. Schedule them for   leave  problems overlooked  (leading to  letting the light of spring into a building.   more costly repairs), and even raise issues   of liability. Since “winter ice damming  handled by  a  property’s  maintenance  pools and the pool equipment, as well as  usefulness. Strip and wax, shampoo—do   can  be  especially  damaging  to  roofs,”  staff—or even a group of homeowners  the furniture and planters that may sur-  warns Butler, “an association should en-  gage a roofing expert to conduct regular  mittee—others require specific expertise  because now is a perfect time to repair it   inspections to better identify necessary  or credentials. No matter what is on the  and get replacements if you need them,”   repairs to avoid further water infiltration  checklist or who is performing the job,  says Betoff. “If you order any  parts you   when the spring arrives in force.”    Beautification  Whatever kind of weather Old Man   Winter has brought to a particular loca-  clean-up to be done. Wind, precipitation,  ily trafficked service areas by installing  window of opportunity is certainly lim-  Sidewalks and asphalt have taken a beat-  To welcome the change of season—as  bris or blockages.”  well as residents returning from winter   abodes or prospective purchasers using  cleaning  list—another task that should  pipes. Now is also a good time to start   globes, repainting, and freshening lobby  “Everybody has a choice where they are  been pounded into your floors for the last   While some of this clean-up can be   or shareholders such as a grounds com-  the best advice is to follow the Scout mot-  to: Be Prepared.   “Spring is usually busy for people mov-  ing in and out of properties,” Butler notes,  the checklist: “If you’re going to do some-  He also adds that “the rain that comes  ter—but if you have to do it in the spring,   mats, inspect seals around common area  homeowners.”  building drainage systems are free of de-  Betoff adds vents and ducts to the  season. Check all your fittings and stand-  signs  and  stanchions  as  elements  that  need touching up.” This includes lob-  should be inspected for wear and func-  when they like what they see.”  He also mentions maintenance on  and replace any that have outlived their   round them. “Examine the pool furniture,   need now, they will be here in time for the   opening of the pool.”  Dalley agrees, adding tennis courts to   thing like resurfacing a tennis court, your   ited, as that is a weather-sensitive project.   You want to schedule that repair as soon   can do it late in the fall, so much the bet-  Bressler adds to the tally. “If your   building has awnings,” he notes, “check   to make sure they made it through the   bies, corridors, trash rooms, and ameni-  a deep cleaning. Inspect your floor mats   SPRING...  continued from page 8  continued on page 12   10 COOPERATORNEWS CHICAGOLAND  —SPRING 2022  CHICAGO.COOPERATORNEWS.COM

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