Page 8 - Chicago Cooperator Spring EXPO 2019
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8 THE CHICAGOLAND COOPERATOR   — SPRING EXPO 2019   CHICAGOCOOPERATOR.COM  W  hether a community is sur-  rounded by suburbs or big-  city high-rises, a little green-  ery can go a long way in adding visual   appeal – and value. In fact, given the lack   of space and the challenge of keeping   plants healthy and thriving, urban gar-  dening is perhaps even more valuable.   Many community associations tend   garden plots of varying shapes and sizes   whether they are on roofs, backyards, or   dispersed throughout sprawling town-  home developments. And while it may   seem  simple  to  plant  a  few  shrubs  and   leave it at that, the cultivation of a gar-  den actually requires the participation of   several different factions who must band   together to reach an aesthetic consensus   and plan how to take care of the project   throughout the year, in good weather and   bad. If your association is considering a   garden project – or just looking for tips   on  how  to  maintain  an  existing  one  –    management professionals across several   regions offer some sage advice that may   be helpful.   Taking Charge  An early step in any community gar-  den project is deciding who will assume   the responsibility for organizing and   planning. Like any project, this will likely   depend on the shape and size of the as-  sociation.  “With smaller buildings, the board   typically handles the logistics,” says Bart   Steele, a portfolio manager with Barkan   Management Company, Inc. in Boston.   “In the larger buildings that I’ve man-  aged, there are separate committees that   often handle the gardening decisions.”  Management  should  also  be  heavily   involved. “In my experience, landscaping   is often left to the managers,” says Janice   Avery, a property manager with FirstSer-  vice Residential in Chicago. “Sometimes   there are committees or board members   who chime in and help with some deci-  sions, but that interest can wane, leav-  ing the manager with the responsibility.   In my current community, I’m fortunate   that the board takes a very active inter-  est in the plan-  ning, decision   making,  and  maintenance of   the property’s   ap p e ar an c e .   Our commu-  nity has won   awards  for  beautification,   and passers-by   often stop to   take  pictures  with our lush   landscaping.   Landscaping   is not an inex-  pensive budget   item, and the   more the com-  munity is in-  volved, the bet-  ter maintained   the property.”  “In my es-  tablished  as-  s o ci a t io n s,   there are  gar-  den or land-  scape commit-  tees that tend to   be very hands-on,” says Natalie Fries, a   community manager with Associa Mid-  Atlantic  in  Mount  Laurel,  New  Jersey.   “One association that I managed had a   farmer/arborist on the board who knew   a lot about flowers and plants, and that   community was absolutely beautiful.”  While a community coming together   to pitch in on a garden or landscaping   project  is  a  heartwarming  image,  more   affluent associations (or those whose   residents are just really busy) can po-  tentially outsource the whole thing, and   then sit back to admire the final prod-  uct. “It’s always best to hire a third-party   contractor,” says Susan Fitzpatrick, Di-  rector of Residences at The Ritz-Carlton   Residences New York, Westchester. “It   removes liability from the association,   as landscaping requires tools and equip-  ment that can lead to injury. Everything   we do at Ritz-Carlton is ‘best in class,’ so   for us, we always use a third-party land-  scaper. Anytime you’re utilizing more   than light tools, or are using chemicals   like fertilizer or weed killer, you should   use a professional.  “Garden renovations can be small- or   large-scaled,” notes Chuck Schumacher,   general manager of The Monaco Beach   Club, Inc. in Naples, Florida. “In my ex-  perience, on those projects that are small   – under $10,000, for example – the land-  scape vendor will recommend the right   plan for the right place, and the manager   will present that plan to a committee and/  or board for approval. For large-scale   renovations over $10,000, a local licensed   landscape architect/designer should be   retained, and they should work closely   with the landscape maintenance vendor   to insure that the community is receiving   the best design and plantings for the area.  “That  said,  there  can  be  light  work   on the premises, and residents may en-  joy having a stake in the planting of the   property,” Fitzpatrick adds. “If you have   light tools and a light job, you can always   involve the community  – especially re-  tirees  – with a weekend planting. Sup-  ply some shovels, mulch, and a design   plan. Have volunteers do light trimming,   mulching, and planting. Make sure to use   caution around potentially buried gas   lines, and be careful with children and   tools  – have them plant flowers or small   trees which they can watch grow over the   years. And offer some food: cookies, lem-  onade, bags of chips and water to give to   the volunteers as they work.”  Tight Spaces  Much of the above assumes that as-  sociations have lawns, or at least plots   of open ground in which they can plant.   But for some communities space is at a   premium, and they may need to get more   creative in order to introduce a greener   element to their property.  “My last community had space con-  straints,” says Avery. “The property was   beneath an elevated train intersection,   so natural sunlight was a real problem.   In addition, the City of Chicago installed   oversized concrete planters, but didn’t   actually plant anything in them. There   were eight or 10 of these planters, and the   property was not served well by leaving   them empty, so as the manager, I was able   to obtain a small budget for landscaping   after showing the community this missed   opportunity. Using this budget, I hired a   LANDSCAPING, LAWN CARE & CURB APPEAL/EXPO  Planning and Maintaining a Community Garden  Planting Value   BY MIKE ODENTHAL  ISTOCKPHOTO.COM

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