Page 4 - Chicago Cooperator Summer 2019
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4 THE CHICAGOLAND COOPERATOR   —SUMMER 2019  CHICAGOCOOPERATOR.COM  Yale Robbins   Publisher  Henry Robbins   Executive Vice President  Joanna DiPaola   Associate Publisher  Hannah Fons   Senior Editor  David Chiu   Associate Editor  Pat Gale   Associate Editor  Shirly Korchak   Art Director  Anne Anastasi   Production Manager  Victor Marcos   Traffi c Coordinator  Michael Odenthal   Staff Writer  Alan J. Sidransky   Staff Writer    The Chicagoland Cooperator is published monthly by Yale Robbins Publications, LLC,  205 Lexington Ave., New York, NY 10016, (212) 683-5700. President: Yale Robbins,   Executive Vice President: Henry Robbins. Subscriptions are available free by request to     co-op and condo board members and homeowner associations. POSTMASTER:   Send address changes to The Chicagoland Cooperator, 205 Lexington Ave.,   New York, NY 10016. ©Yale Robbins Publications, LLC 2017. All rights reserved.   Application to mail Periodicals postage rates is pending at New York NY.  FREE Subscriptions for Board Members, Property Managers and Real Estate   Decision Makers. To Subscribe, please visit us at:  TABLE OF CONTENTS  WHY ManaGErs QUit  Co-op, condo and HOA communities are a property manager’s bread and butter.  Ensuring that their   client buildings and associations run smoothly everyday provides managers with both purpose and pay.   Th  erefore, it stands to reason that a dedicated manager might bend over backwards in order to satisfy his   or her client – even if that client’s requests border on the outlandish.  PAGE 1  LEGaL anD LEGisLatiVE UPDatE 2019  Laws, and the legal decisions that support and enforce them, are constantly evolving and can aff ect every   facet of community life in HOAs, condominiums and co-ops. While law and legal cases can emanate   from any of our three levels of government –  federal, state or local – most of the developments that   aff ect housing come from the bottom up, with local and state law oft en defi ning or redefi ning what   co-op, condo, HOA, and even owners of rental housing may and may not do within the law. PAGE 1  ABsEnt OWnErs  Once upon a time, you usually greeted your neighbor in the hallway of your building as you’re coming   or going. But lately you haven’t seen or heard a peep from her in almost two months. You wonder if she   is okay.  So you ask the super one morning in the lobby about your neighbor’s whereabouts. He responds   that she’s perfectly fi ne – she just went to a writers’ retreat in Portland for a year. PAGE 1  InDUstrY PULsE/CaLEnDar   Q&A   PAGE 5  PAGE 6  Subject to credit approval.  No Prepayment Penalties   •   Fast Loan Approvals   •   Expertise   •   Flexible Terms and Conditions  If your association is in need of improvements, please contact  Tim Haviland   630.908.6708 or  at  LOW COST CONDOMINIUM  ASSOCIATION LOANS

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