Page 27 - Chicagp Fall EXPO 2019
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CHICAGOCOOPERATOR.COM  THE CHICAGOLAND COOPERATOR  —  FALL  2019    27  NEED ANY MAINTENANCE PAINTING?  NEED ANY MAINTENANCE PAINTING?  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Visit  , your   FREE RESOURCE  to over 140 prequali ed  nishing contractors who are   all licensed, bonded and insured!  or disruptive behavior; and in some cases  front of their door because there is a rule  knows of that requires all residents to have   failing to observe pool etiquette. Th  e list is  that prohibits leaving things in the hallway.  their pets’ DNA registered with the building  fi nes in this specifi c situation is one of dol-  long, and can diff er sharply from one com-  munity to another.  Roque points out that in Florida, pool  be overly subjective.” A good example, he  petrator through pet-poop forensics.  behavior is a major issue. In mixed-age com-  munities, approved activities and behavior  ing restrictions. “In   for kids in pool areas is one place where fi nes  New York City, each   oft en come into play in order to maintain a  residential building   safe facility – and to avoid some liabilities.  must have a smoking   For example, children must be accompanied  policy  by  law.  Th  at   to the pool and supervised by their parents  smoking policy lays   for as long as they’re using the space; failing  out  the rules. Th  at   to do so will result in the parent (or whichev-  er association member is hosting the child)  tion’s or corporation’s   being fi ned. Another major issue that can  ability to fi ne.”  result in a fi ne is bringing glass containers   into a pool area; owners must consider the  adds: “Th  ere has to   damage a broken glass can do. Pool infrac-  tions might carry some non-monetary pun-  ishment as well, like a temporary ban from  fi ne.  You  can’t just   the pool facility – but the pros we spoke with  do  it on suspicion.   agreed that a stiff  fi ne for letting your 6-year-  old run around the pool deck with an empty  boards can get in trouble. You need concrete  acted more or less strict prohibitions against  someone is very unhappy about the enact-  glass bottle could be an excellent way to see  evidence. Cigarettes thrown off  a balcony  Airbnb rentals. (New York City’s are more  ment or enforcement of a fi ne he or she feels   to it that you keep a closer eye on your kid  and landing on another balcony or terrace  aggressive than the Windy City’s, for exam-  in future.  Wollman makes a very interesting point  as to who threw the cigarette butt off  their  ticularly co-ops, which have more authority   about the eff ectiveness of fi nes. “First of all,”  balcony in the fi rst place. It’s unlikely that  over owners than condominiums – have en-  he says, “there aren’t that many off enses to  residents will agree to undergo DNA testing  acted rules to eliminate short-term vacation  — whether they are unit owners, or renters   fi ne for. You’re not going to fi ne a sharehold-  er or a unit owner for leaving their shoes in  ever, Butler does mention one association he  entirely.  Th  e question is, is the infraction egregious  in the event of a ‘walkies’ mishap, so that the  lars and cents. “Over the last several years   enough? Th  e infractions and the fi nes can’t  building management can identify the per-  suggests, is smok-  limits the associa-  Butler agrees, and   be enough investiga-  tion to support the   And that’s where   can  cause  a  fi re.  But  you  don’t  have  proof  ple.) In response, many communities – par-  to determine who the perpetrator is.” How-  Airbnb  and  Other  Home-  sharing Apps  One big fac-  tor recently in  other punitive measures must be employed   play when it  as well—as to make continuing the behavior   comes to fi nes  untenable for them.”  is Airbnb. Th  e   popular home-  sharing platform  can you fi ne someone? A hundred dollars?   has experienced  It rarely changes behavior. You need to talk   varying  levels  of resistance in  have a better understanding if you explain   many cities na-  tionwide. Some  He also warns that in the end, if owners or   destinations  –  including Chi-  cago -- have en-  rentals from their buildings and complexes  in units owned by someone else. Th  e ques-  Butler points out that the eff ectiveness of   \\\[renting one’s unit\\\] via Airbnb has become   the most fi nable event we see. But the money   made through the Airbnb rental may be so   substantial  for  the owner  that the fi ne  be-  comes just part of the cost of doing business.   Th  e fi ne has to be so onerous—and perhaps   For his part, Wollman doesn’t see the   eff ectiveness of fi nes overall. “How much   about the problem with the resident. People   things to them, rather than just say no.”   shareholders are unhappy about the fi nes as   enacted,  they  can change  the  board  of di-  rectors through a vote. More ominously, if   is unwarranted, there is the risk of litigation.  Renters and Subletters  Rules, regulations, and the fi nes and fees   that accompany them apply to all residents    “Most buildings we   manage have some fi nes. It   could be as simple as a late   fee on monthly common   charges, or something heft y   on lease restrictions like   Airbnb violations.”                  — Brian Butler  continued on page 38   See us at Booth 501

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