Page 6 - The Chicagoland Cooperator Summer 2020
P. 6

—SUMMER 2020 
good faith estimate of income and expenses.  shortfalls: 
The world changes, and one has to adapt to  
the environment that we live in. But we can  tate taxes, water, and insurance (whether re- 
make educated assumptions based on facts  quired by the mortgagee or self-escrowing)— 
and building conditions, reserve studies, and  if any or all are overfunded, can the excess  
cost escalations. So it’s a balancing act be- 
tween what residents want, what they need,  
and what they can afford.” 
Even in affluent associations where keep- 
ing carrying charges as low as possible may  
not be a main consideration, boards still have  reserves can be taken to carry operations for  which requires testimony from sharehold- 
to plan and prioritize based on expected cost  the rest of this year; repaying the loan could  ers on the pros and cons of any increase and  condos-hoas-ppp-loans.) In a May 26 letter,  
increases like utilities and payroll, along with  happen next year through a maintenance in- 
infrastructure and systems maintenance. And  crease or assessment assuming the financial  groups within the co-op.” Depending on this  U.S. Sen. Chuck Schumer and U.S. Rep. Al- 
in the current environment, those priorities  aspect of the world gets better then. The board  provisory relationship precludes limited-equi- 
can be a bit mercurial. “What the current con- 
ditions have done to budget—that’s a big is- 
sue,” says Stoller. “We’ve had some buildings  and if permission is needed to accomplish  budgetary processes.  
where some residents want to have a mainte- 
nance person standing by the front door pol- 
ishing the door every time someone goes in  and condos face is that past years’ shortfalls  nities’ fiscal assumptions, it leaves them in  northern part of the Bronx and parts of West- 
and out, and there are other people who just  are not considered or included in the current  limbo, with little to no control. “Obviously,  chester County, including Yonkers and New   
say they don’t want to spend the money.” 
Accounting for Crisis 
At this point, says Paul Santoriello, presi- 
dent of Taylor Management in New Jersey,  munities have been holding their breath to see  that would ensue from this pandemic. … We  any small business—should be eligible for the  
things are still too fluid to make any solid  how the pandemic will impact the collection  continue to watch closely, because unlike free  same relief made available to other small busi- 
budget predictions or revisions. “In three  of assessments and other fees. Each month  market co-ops, state-supervised co-ops can’t  nesses. That includes the Paycheck Protection  
months at least,” he says, “boards might be  tends to tell a different story, and seems to be  decide they need an increase in July and then  Program and other loans administered by the  
at a point where they can see where their ar- 
rears are, and what adjustments need to be  graphics, preparations, and communications.  
made  for projections going  forward.” He  is  So far, Stoller says he has not seen any impact  monitoring its budget and, as Zsebedics says,  liability that co-ops and condos may face as  
emphatic  that  they  should  not  promise—or  on collection of fees from residents, but com- 
even consider—reducing or eliminating fees  mercial tenants have been gravely affected.  remains  relatively  stable  despite  the  obvi- 
for amenities that have been forced to close,  While in his client communities commercial  ous challenges,” he reports, “and our finance  reopening amenities that were closed or re- 
as this would wreak havoc on operational in- 
come levels that are already uncertain. What  stream  (those portions of  the buildings  he  treasurer] Ed Yaker and president Howard  rus—or are putting plans in place to do so.  
is certain is that the additional costs of more  manages are separate entities from the co-op  Kamiel, have been extraordinary in handling  The question on everyone’s mind is whether  
cleaning supplies, protective gear, equipment  or condo portion), the demise of the business- 
like foggers and sanitizing stations, thermom- 
eters, and other new necessities will need to be  space will likely have an impact, both finan- 
accounted for.  
On the other hand, there might also be  
some cost reductions; Stoller notes that capi- 
tal projects and construction not critical to  cial landscape, any discussion of budgeting  questing frequent updates to the state of both  the level of needing a specific reserve fund for  
building function have been put on hold in  should include a caveat: For cooperatives and  its revenues and arrears. “I suspect that they  legal defense and fees.  
the buildings he manages, and it is as yet un- 
clear when or in what capacity those projects  state, and federal housing programs, the ac- 
will resume. If it’s reasonable to assume those  counting and reporting processes differ some- 
projects won’t be occurring in the coming fis- 
cal year, the projected costs associated with  In New York, these types of limited equity de- 
them could potentially be eliminated from  velopments account for tens of thousands of  this data could be an effort to “ensure we— 
the budget.  
According to Jeffrey P. Roude, partner at  people.  
accounting firm SaxBST in New York with  
many condos and  co-ops  as  clients,  boards  for the Amalgamated Housing Corporation  out of a large deficit,” he says. 
should take a careful look at their budgets after  and Park Reservoir Housing Corporation, in  
they receive their June management reports  New York City, and explains some of these dif- 
and real estate tax bills, paying special atten- 
tion to cash flows based on collections and  first Mitchell-Lama development in New York  they, their commercial tenants, and/or their  change is a given, no matter what the circum- 
expenditures since the onset of the coronavi- 
rus crisis. “Many co-ops and condos that rely  Housing Corporation is the first and oldest  receive—any type of assistance from the fed- 
on commercial income and flip taxes can find  Article 4 Limited Dividend co-op in the coun- 
themselves far behind the projected income  try. As a limited dividend cooperative, Amal- 
from their budgets,” says Roude, “and [might  gamated is required under the New York State  the Payment Protection Program (PPP) can  
have] a shortfall in cash that is resulting in ag- 
ing out of payments of unpaid invoices.” 
Roude suggests three measures that boards  “Therefore,” says Zsebedics, “when we re- 
in this position can consider if they want to  ceived our approval for an increase in August  residents who are employees of those recipient  
avoid increasing maintenance or assessing  of 2019, it was for the period up until August  businesses might now have a paycheck when  
their owners/shareholders right away for the  2021. That is the earliest date when Amalgam- 
• Review the monthly escrows for real es- 
funds be transferred back into operations? 
• If there are reserve funds generating in- 
terest income, consider transferring the inter- 
est to operations to help cash flows. 
• If there are reserve funds, a loan from the  carrying charge hearing with shareholders,  approved under the CARES Act. (See, for ex- 
would need to review if the reserve fund is  ty co-ops from the nimbleness and flexibility  U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and  
self-imposed or required by the mortgagee  that other associations might enjoy in their  SBA Administrator Jovita Carranza, claiming  
 Roude notes that an issue many co-ops  such as a pandemic upend these commu- 
subsequent years budget, which can cause a  our crystal ball wasn’t working in early 2019,”  Rochelle,  said in a previous letter on the subject,   
further delay in paying invoices. 
In  terms  of  income,  buildings  and  com- 
case-specific depending on location, demo- 
rent  is  not  part  of  the  associations’  income  manager, Wendy Cosgrove, along with [board  stricted to prevent the spread of coronavi- 
es with which residential communities share  ing with various financial issues, and trying to  services will subject them to lawsuits either al- 
cially and in residents’ quality of life. 
Special Cases 
Regardless of the larger economic and so- 
associations incorporated under various city,  may  be  monitoring  whether  the  NYSHCR  
what from those of a typical co-op or condo.  portfolio should some or many fall into major  end of their fiscal years, perhaps there will be a  
units of housing for hundreds of thousands of  and I am sure other supervised properties— 
Charles M. Zsebedics is General Manager  makes it much more difficult to dig ourselves  upheaval  around the  presidential  election  
ferences. With 274 units, Park Reservoir is the  and their budgets in a state of limbo: whether  times, a budget is ultimately a best guess—and  
State; with nearly 1,500 units, Amalgamated  individual residents will be eligible for—and  stances.                                                                      
Homes and Community Renewal (NYSHCR)  apply those funds to their rents, allowing at  
budget process to provide a two-year budget.  least some commercial tenants to stay current  
ated can ask for another increase—unless, for  long as their employers can continue to afford  
example, we decide to refinance our mortgage  payrolls with those loans, or from their busi- 
before then, and would have to consider an  nesses reopening or resuming normal func- 
earlier increase.   
“Most HCR supervised buildings have to  
pursue the HCR’s Budget Rent Determination  in a type of Twilight Zone when it comes to  
process,” he continues, “which under normal  PPP access. This publication has reported on  
circumstances can take anywhere from six to  the struggles and successes some associations  
eight months to complete, including an HCR  have had when it comes to loans and grants  
how it will affect them and the various income  U.S. Rep. Eliot Engel of New York, along with  
Thus,  when  unanticipated  global  events  ance” over PPP eligibility for co-ops. Engel,  
quips Zsebedics, “and like most co-ops, we  “[C]o-operatives themselves—which have  
could never have anticipated the turmoil  employees and operating expenses just like  
have it implemented by August or September.”  Small Business Administration.”  
For its part, Amalgamated has been closely  
“holding  [its]  own.”  “Our  income  stream  both employers and housing providers. As  
the pressures of monitoring our budget, deal- 
anticipate any budget problems before they  leging negligence or alleging denial of rights.  
can arise.”  
Notably, he adds, NYSHCR has been dili- 
gent in its communications with the co-op, re- 
would need to implement some additional fi- 
nancial program for their affordable housing  approving their budgets in the approach to the  
budget deficits,” offers Zsebedics. Collecting  little more certainty around the many consid- 
don’t fall so far into financial difficulties that  ties and policing, along with the potential for  
Waiting for Government Response 
There’s another question keeping boards  in what we used to understand as ‘normal’  
eral government in the wake of the pandemic.  
Small businesses that have received loans via  
on their payments … for the time being. And  
they didn’t a month or two ago … again, as  
tion as state and local restrictions ease.  
Co-ops and condos themselves have been  
exandria Ocasio-Cortez, appealed directly to  
that the SBA had issued “conflicting guid- 
whose  congressional district  includes the  
Also up in the air is the exposure to legal  
reopening plans proceed, boards are also  
opening—or not opening—these spaces and  
With so many nuances to such claims and  
little legal precedent to rely on, boards may  
have to assess whether their exposure rises to  
In Conclusion 
In the fall, when most associations will be  
erations that the pandemic has raised. On the  
other hand, the unrest around social inequali- 
in November, might usher in changes and  
considerations as yet unforeseen. But even  
Darcey Gerstein is Associate Editor and a Staff  
Writer for The Chicagoland Cooperator.  
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