Page 5 - Chicago Cooperator Spring 2019
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EVERYTHING FROM    A (ACCOUNTING SERVICES)    TO W (WINDOWS).   (Sorry, no zebra trainer this year.)  THE COOPERATOR  EXPO  2019  WHERE BUILDINGS MEET SERVICES   STEPHENS CONVENTION CENTER, ROSEMONT — WEDNESDAY, MAY 8, 10-3:30    FREE REGISTRATION: CHICAGOCONDOEXPO.COM  CHICAGOCOOPERATOR.COM  THE CHICAGOLAND COOPERATOR —   SPRING 2019     5  QUESTIONS & ANSWERS  Legal  Q  A&  When an Owner Who Owes HOA Fees   Is Now Bankrupt   Q  What can be done if a unit   owner who has not paid his or   her maintenance for a year –   and owes the association $30,000 – has   now declared bankruptcy? How does the   association get its money?                             —Concerned Stakeholder  A  “Th  e short answer is that   an association may not get   paid on the arrearage, or at   least not all or even most of it,” says Mark   Rosenbaum, an attorney with the Chica-  go fi rm Fischel & Kahn. “An owner who   has gone bankrupt is oft en in foreclosure   as well, which will further complicate   things. And if the unit is underwater with   the mortgage, the situation becomes even   worse for the association.  “My descriptions of the eff ects of   bankruptcy will be a very simplifi ed anal-  ysis and will relate only to Illinois law as   aff ected by the Bankruptcy Code. Bank-  ruptcy is a very complicated area of the   law. Th  is article does not cover all situa-  tions.  “A  bankruptcy  case  is  started  by  the   fi ling of a petition with the Bankruptcy   Court. Th  e mere act of the fi ling results   in the entry of what is called the ‘auto-  matic stay’ on all creditors (including the   association). Th  at means that no creditor   can proceed against the debtor to collect   on monies due, without the prior permis-  sion of the Bankruptcy Court. Th  e Bank-  ruptcy Court takes the stay very seriously.   A creditor who violates the stay will fi nd   itself in front of the Court on a charge of   contempt. Penalties can and will be as-  sessed. So all collection eff orts must stop,   including pending collection eff orts in   state court. And if the unit is owned by   more than one person, and only one of   them fi les a petition, collection must stop   against the other owner(s) as well.  “Th  ere are two types of bankruptcy   petitions that an association usually sees:   Chapter 13 and Chapter 7.  “In a Chapter 13, the unit owner   (known in Bankruptcy law as the ‘debt-  or’) thinks he/she can pay the creditors,   but simply needs additional time to pay.   Th  e debtor submits a payment plan to   the court, which may approve the plan.   A plan typically extends the time for   payments to be made to creditors, some-  times for years. If approved, as long as the   debtor is making the necessary payments   under the plan, the association cannot   pursue the debtor for collection on as-  sessments or other monies due under the   plan. A plan will typically pay secured   creditors 100 percent of the debt due as of   the date of fi ling. But a plan may possibly   not require 100 percent payment to un-  secured creditors. To protect its interests,   the association must fi le a Proof of Claim   with the Bankruptcy Court to evidence   the debt it is owed and to show that it is   a secured  creditor. In Illinois, since the   association has a lien on the unit for un-  paid assessments and other charges (765   ILCS 605/9(g)(1)), and is thus a ‘secured   creditor’ the debtor must typically agree   to pay 100 percent of what the association   is owed as of the date of fi ling, even if un-  der the plan it takes several years to do   so. So eventually, in most situations (see   below for some exceptions) the associa-  tion should get paid the balance that was   due as of the date of the bankruptcy fi ling.  “In a Chapter 7, things are diff erent.   Th  e fi ling of a Chapter 7 (or the conver-  sion of a Chapter 13 to a Chapter 7) will   result, if the debtor eventually receives a   ‘discharge’ from the Bankruptcy Court,   in the debtor having no further personal   obligation to pay the arrearage. Th  e as-  sociation’s lien on the unit for the unpaid   amount remains in place, but the associa-  tion cannot sue the owner personally or   enforce any existing personal judgment   against  the  debtor  for  monies  due  as  of   the date of the fi ling. Under a Chapter   7, an association does not need to fi le a   Proof of Claim unless the Bankruptcy   Court notifi es the creditors (including the   association) to do so.  “Under both Chapter 7 and Chapter   13,  the  debtor,  under  Bankruptcy  Code   Section 523(a)(16), must (in most cases)   pay the assessments that come due aft er   the date of fi ling. So if a bankruptcy peti-  tion is fi led on June 10, the July (and aft er)   assessments are still due from the debtor.  “If a Chapter 13 debtor defaults on his/  her plan, or if a debtor fails to make post-  fi ling assessment payments, the associa-  tion can fi le a motion with the Bankrupt-  cy Court to lift  the automatic stay and ask   to be allowed to proceed with collection   as though the bankruptcy fi ling never ex-  isted. If there is a clear default or failure   to pay, such motions are typically granted.  “Oft en a unit owner will fi le bankrupt-  cy to stop (or at least slow down) a lend-  er’s foreclosure action. It is my experience   that, once a bankruptcy petition is fi led,   lenders very quickly make a motion to the   Bankruptcy Court to lift  the automatic   stay to allow the foreclosure to restart/  proceed.  Th  ose  motions  are  very  oft en   granted. So a bankruptcy usually doesn’t   slow a foreclosure down very long. If the   unit goes to foreclosure sale, the result is   oft en that the lender is the only bidder   at the sale, and equity in the unit is ef-  fectively wiped out. While Illinois has a   6-month ‘superlien’ statute that allows an   association to collect of up to 6 months   of assessments (in some circumstances)   and the association’s legal fees and costs   incurred during the debtor’s ownership   of the unit (765 ILCS605(g)(4) and (5)),   those monies are only payable by a 3rd   party buyer (not the foreclosing lender).   So if the lender completes the foreclosure   and takes title, the association will have to   wait for the lender (now owner) to sell the   unit, which could take months (or lon-  ger), before the association will be paid   the superlien amounts.  “If the unit is, during the bankruptcy   process, sold to a 3rd party buyer, and   there is equity in the unit, the association   can get paid all (or at least some part of   the arrearage) at closing from the equity   (aft er the 1st mortgagee is paid-by statute,   the 1st mortgagee always has a claim on   proceeds of a sale which claim is ahead   of the association). If there is a 2nd mort-  gagee too, and if proper notice to the 2nd   mortgagee has been given under the Il-  linois Condominium Property Act, then   the association may be able to claim at   least part of the equity ahead of the 2nd   mortgagee. In essence, assuming the sale   takes place, the fact that a bankruptcy   case exists will not, ordinarily, aff ect the   association’s right to enforce  its lien  by   getting paid at the closing.  “If the unit is sold to a 3rd-party buyer   during the bankruptcy process, and there   is no equity in the unit, then the eff ect of   the sale will be that the association loses   its lien on the unit, and it becomes a mere   continued on page 15 

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