Page 10 - The Chicagoland Cooperator Summer 2020
P. 10

—SUMMER 2020 
Time for a new CBU? 
Sales - Service - Installation 
Mailbox Fast LLC 
Wheaton, IL 
der 2020-32 categorized construction as  
an essential service; therefore, construc- 
tion and repair work are permitted for the  
duration of the Governor’s Executive Or- 
ders.  Unit owners should communicate  
with their board of managers or commu- 
nity association manager before schedul- 
ing any such work; unit owners, vendors,  
and contractors must comply with the  
association’s construction, social distanc- 
ing, and related rules.                               
continued from page 9 
done. What are my options as an owner: do  
I bring legal action against the management  
or do I take legal action against the neighbor  
where the cigarette smoking is coming from? 
       —Keep Your Smoking Away from Me 
“Your issue involves con- 
duct by a condominium  
unit owner within his/her  
own unit,” says James Arrigo, an attorney  
at Rathje & Woodward, LLC in Wheaton.  
“Th  ough many states (including Illinois,  
where I practice) have laws restricting  
smoking in public places and at work, these  
generally do not prohibit individuals from  
smoking in their own residences. You do  
not mention whether you have spoken to  
your downstairs neighbor about this prob- 
lem in an attempt to resolve the problem.  
Oft en a simple conversation can avoid at- 
torney fees and litigation. If you have ex- 
hausted this avenue, you may have options  
for legal action against your neighbor. Th  e  
two most common theories of recovery are  
nuisance and breach of contract for acting  
contrary to your association’s declaration,  
depending upon the language in those cov- 
enants. If you are looking for immediate  
relief from the smoke, you would typically  
need to seek an injunction, for which you  
would need to show irreparable harm that  
can’t be adequately addressed by monetary  
damages. Such cases can be costly, not to  
mention create tension and hard feelings  
among neighbors, and you may not be able  
to recoup your legal expenses even if you  
eventually win. 
“If, as your question suggests, your con- 
dominium association does not have restric- 
tions on smoking, its board may have a limit- 
ed ability to take action against your smoking  
neighbor. Th  e association’s ability to help will  
be largely dictated by the specifi c language  
of your declaration related to nuisances. Be- 
cause the association’s manager typically is  
an employee or agent of the association who  
takes direction from the board—rather than  
having any power to enact restrictions on  
his/her own—the manager could only help  
enforce restrictions that the association has  
adopted. Th  e manager is therefore unlikely  
to be a good target for direct legal action. In- 
stead, your best course may be to encourage  
the board to enact smoking restrictions, and  
then to enforce them against your neighbor.  
Such restrictions fall primarily into two cat- 
egories: rules/regulations, and amendments  
to the covenants.  
“Condominiums can typically adopt rules  
and  regulations  which  restrict  or  prohibit  
smoking in association common elements  
such as hallways, entryways, and stairwells  
with only board approval (aft er the necessary  
notice  to  association  members).  Th  e  board  
may also be able to impose restrictions that  
require smoking unit owners to take steps to  
keep their smoke from fi ltering through to  
the hallways or adjacent areas through means  
like installing air fi lters or ‘smoke eaters.’ Th  e  
eff ectiveness of such equipment may also  
depend upon whether multiple units share a  
heating/cooling system.  
“But to impose an outright ban on smok- 
ing inside individual owners’ units (which  
are private property), an amendment to the  
covenants is likely necessary. Such amend- 
ments are prepared by the board or the as- 
sociation’s attorney and must be approved  
as the covenants provide. At a minimum, an  
amendment will likely require approval by at  
least a majority of the board and the affi  rma- 
tive approval of up to 75% of the unit owners.  
Amendments must also be recorded against  
all of the units to become eff ective. Neither  
the board nor the manager is likely to have  
the power to completely ban smoking in the  
units if the owners decline to approve an  
amendment imposing such restrictions.  
“On the upside, if the requisite percent- 
age of owners approve an amendment to  
ban smoking in the units, courts have dem- 
onstrated a willingness to enforce them even  
against owners who counted on being al- 
lowed to smoke when they bought their con- 
dominiums. On the downside, if fellow unit  
owners reject an amendment, non-smokers  
may have limited recourse aside from a pri- 
vate right of action for breach of contract  
and/or nuisance.  
“Additional issues may arise in the event  
the ‘smoking’ at issue involves cannabis/mar- 
ijuana and, if so, whether its use is medical or  
recreational. Currently, federal law, including  
the Fair Housing Act, aff ords no protection,  
because marijuana use is not legal under fed- 
eral law. However, some states’ laws prohibit  
discrimination against tenants/occupants  
who are permitted or ‘card-holding’ medical  
marijuana users. We recommend consulting  
with an attorney in the event your association  
is considering action to ban or restrict any  
type of smoking.”                                                 
continued from page 5 
Disclaimer: Th  e answers provided in this Q&A  
column are of a general nature and cannot  
substitute for professional advice regarding your  
specifi c circumstances. Always seek the advice of  
competent legal counsel or other qualifi ed profes- 
sionals with any questions you may have regard- 
ing technical or legal issues.
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