Page 9 - The Chicagoland Cooperator Summer 2020
P. 9

SUMMER 2020   
partment does not have regulatory or en- 
forcement authority related to the CPA or  sary to prevent damage to the common  
CICAA.  The Illinois legislature,  through  elements or to  other  units.  (765  ILCS  
CICAA, created the Office of the Con- 
dominium  and Common Interest Com- 
munity Ombudsperson in the Division  community association boards have fidu- 
of Real Estate (“Division”). The mission  ciary duties to unit owners which likely  
of the Ombudsperson is to provide in- 
formation to unit owners, condominium  affecting the common areas or which  
and common interest community associa- 
tions, and their respective boards.” 
The FAQs 
Q. The COVID-19 pandemic is caus- 
ing me financial hardship and I’m hav- 
ing  trouble paying my  assessments.  
What can I do? 
A. The CPA expressly prohibits condo- 
miniums from forbearing the collection of  
assessments: “The Association shall have  
no authority to forbear the payment of as- 
sessments by any unit owners.” 765 ILCS  
605/18(13)(o). However,  we  suggest  that  
you ask your association to consult with  
its attorney as to whether the association  
may enter into a reasonable payment plan  
with owners experiencing  severe  finan- 
cial hardship  in light of  the  COVID-19  so is the analysis and approach to reopen- 
pandemic. Any such payment plan would  ing common amenities. Associations and  
have to take into account the board’s re- 
sponsibility to protect the financial health  reasonable decisions given the knowledge  
of the association. Your association may  that the virus is easily transmitted and in  
also consider adopting a policy for waiv- 
ing late fees. 
Q. Under current law, are virtual  
board meetings acceptable? 
A.  The  simple  answer  is  “yes,”  under- 
standing that proper notice of a meeting,  For  example,  opening  a fitness center in  
generally 48 hours in advance by mail or  a condominium could be problematic, as  
email and posting of the notice, must be  there  may  be  asymptomatic  carriers  of  
given. That notice should include specific,  COVID-19 utilizing the facility and there  
detailed instructions on how unit own- 
ers  can  attend  those  meetings  in  a  vir- 
tual manner. Whatever form of electronic  uses. For a complete copy of Governor  
means is used, all persons must be able to  Pritzker’s  “Restore  Illinois”  Plan, please  
hear one another and be heard. 
The CPA provides that the bylaws of  
each association must provide that board  
members may participate in and act at any  
meeting of the board of managers in per- 
son, by telephonic means, or by use of any  
acceptable technological means whereby  
all persons participating in the meeting  VID-19, and consistent with social dis- 
can  communicate  with  each  other;  and  tancing requirements, associations would  
that participation constitutes attendance  be well served to follow the guidelines put  
and presence in person at the meeting. 
The  Illinois  General  Not for  Profit  Disease Control and Prevention (“CDC”)  
Corporation Act applies to condomin- 
ium and common interest community  Health (“IDPH”). For more information,  
associations and authorizes both virtual  please visit their respective websites: CDC  
member and director meetings. (805 ILCS  ( and IDPH (www.dph.illi- 
105/107.05(c); 805 ILCS 105/108.15(c)). 
Therefore, a meeting could occur by con- 
ference call, Skype, Zoom, or other ac- 
ceptable technological means. 
Q.  Is there  a  requirement  that  I  al- 
low building personnel, such as mainte- 
nance staff, entry into my unit? 
A. The CPA specifically empowers the  
board to have access to each unit as may  
be necessary for the maintenance, repair,  
or replacement of any common elements  
or for making emergency repairs neces- 
605/18.4(j)). The CICAA does not contain  
a similar provision, but common interest  
would include attending to emergencies  
could cause damage to other units. 
In non-emergency situations, or where  
there is no reasonable basis for a well-be- 
ing check, unit owners concerned about  
the transmission of COVID-19 can re- 
quest  that  building  personnel  not  enter  
their unit. 
Q. The Governor’s “Restore Illinois”  
plan established a five-phase approach  
for reopening the State of Illinois. The  
plan indicates that gatherings of no  
more than ten people in Phase III or fifty  
people in Phase IV may gather; can as- 
sociations reopen private fitness centers,  
swimming pools (indoor and outdoor),  
or other amenity areas? 
A. Just as every association is different,  
their boards must make informed and  
accordance with the current phase of Gov- 
ernor Pritzker’s “Restore Illinois” Plan.  
Depending on the amenity in question,  
associations and boards should undertake  
measures that reduce transmission risk.  
may be no guarantee that individuals are  
properly cleaning equipment between  
Q. Are individuals required to wear  
face coverings in common areas of our  
community  outside  of our  individual  
units, such as hallway, elevators, lobbies,  
A. In order to limit the spread of CO- 
forth by both the United States Centers for  
and  the  Illinois  Department  of  Public  
Q. Is construction or repair work per- 
mitted in my unit under the Governor’s  
Executive Orders? 
A. Governor Pritzker’s Executive Or- 
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