The Cooperator Events presents: Clearing the Air - Keeping Your Indoor Environment Clean, Safe, and Contaminant-Free A Virtual Town Hall Sponsored by: O&S Associates, Inc.

The Cooperator Events presents: Clearing the Air - Keeping Your Indoor Environment Clean, Safe, and Contaminant-Free

The Cooperator Events presents A Virtual Town Hall: Clearing the Air - Keeping Your Indoor Environment Clean, Safe, and Contaminant-Free, Sponsored by O&S Associates, Inc.

Tuesday June 30, 2020 at 2:00 PM


With the ongoing coronavirus pandemic keeping people inside, and hot summer weather keeping windows closed and air conditioning on, concerns about air quality and safety have taken on new urgency for boards, managers, and residents alike. This informative event will bring together HVAC specialists and indoor environmental experts to offer insights into what your community can do to clean, sanitize, and upgrade its ventilation and airflow systems to be both safer and more energy efficient. Questions about airborne contaminants - including coronavirus, but also allergens, chemicals, and odors - will be addressed, as well as pre- and post-season equipment maintenance for common areas and individual units


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