Like everyone else, condos and HOAs are struggling with high inflation. Costs for everything from regular maintenance, repairs, and supplies to interest rates and borrowing for capital projects are up, as are labor and management costs. Res…

Like everyone else, condos and HOAs are struggling with high inflation. Costs for everything from regular maintenance, repairs, and supplies to interest rates and borrowing for capital projects are up, as are labor and management costs. Res…
The funding recommendations of reserve studies can be a daunting amount at times. While everyone seems to dread the need to increase reserve contributions, we’ll look at what options exist for Associations to cover these needs. Specifically…
With over 100 new EV models announced by auto manufacturers, there has never been a better time for car owners to start planning to go electric. Samantha Bingham, Clean Transportation Program Director and Coordinator of the Chicago Area Cle…
Adjust the focus of past (very popular) seminars on the topic to include defusing tension and hostility at meetings, the impact (for good and ill) of social media, including platforms like Nextdoor (for neighbors) and Yelp (for management),…
Twice a year, The Cooperator Expo - Chicagoland , brings together scores of vendors and service providers to share information on new products, services, and best practices for multifamily communities – but that's not all it does! The re…
Find out why your building is wet, and how to fix it right the FIRST time using proper flashing techniques and passive ventilation. After a brief building science presentation and demonstration, our panel of experts -- including a Structur…
Whether condo, HOA, or apartment building, security is always a concern in multifamily settings. This seminar will discuss privacy laws as they intersect with boards and owners' responsibilities, the use of surveillance technologies, proper…
Even the most tight-knit community faces challenges. Whether that takes the form of board overreach, management issues, or a personality clash between neighbors, knowing how to mediate and resolve conflict can mean the difference between re…
This seminar helps managers and board members alike better understand how, when and why property taxes should be appealed. Presenters cover the appeal process itself, how percentage of ownership influences property taxes, the fiduciary duty…
No matter how robust your operating and reserve funds may be, no community wants to pay more than they have to for utilities. With electric, gas and water rates going up, condo and HOA communities need all the help they can get to contain u…