The board of a condominium, cooperative or homeowner’s association has a fiduciary duty to make decisions in the best interest of the community as a whole. But individual board members may have different ideas as to what those decisions mig…

The board of a condominium, cooperative or homeowner’s association has a fiduciary duty to make decisions in the best interest of the community as a whole. But individual board members may have different ideas as to what those decisions mig…
If you live in a condominium, cooperative or HOA, you’re effectively acting as part of a participatory democracy run by an elected group of volunteers. And as with any democracy, those affected by the board’s decisions are encouraged to get…
Attorneys and community association managers can be a godsend for the board of a co-op, condominium or HOA. Most boards consist of volunteers who usually have quite busy external lives themselves, so having an experienced professional on th…
A condominium, cooperative or homeowners’ association is only as efficient as the elected board that oversees its day-to-day operations. Considering how difficult it can be to find time for family, leisure, and sleep amid work and assorted …
Q. We have a board member who has been locked out of meetings. According to that board member, the board has formed an Executive Committee that has, for all intents and purposes, shut them out. The board member no longer able to view boar…
Q. I am a condo unit owner with a patch of HOA-owned grass near my unit that was overlooked for many years. Over the past six years, I have slowly landscaped the area in accordance with the landscaping of the complex. No one from the boar…