Q&A: Is My Association Registered?

Q&A: Is My Association Registered?

Q. I want to know if my condo association is legally registered, because the president of association refuses to show me any documents to verify that we are. Where do I have to ask to get this information?

                        —Resident Seeking Answers

A. “Illinois law does not require that condominium associations be incorporated as a nonprofit corporation,” said Adam Kahn, an attorney for the Chicago-based firm of Levenfeld Pearlstein, LLC. “However, there are many benefits to doing so, such as liability protection for board members and some businesses, and banks might require an association be incorporated to transact business with the association. To determine whether a condominium or community association has been incorporated with the State of Illinois Secretary of State, and is currently in good standing, an individual may access the Illinois Secretary of State’s Department of Business Services Database and search for their association’s name (https://www.ilsos.gov/corporatellc).”

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