Remember that thick stack of documents you received when you bought your condo or co-op? If you're like most people, they're probably sitting in a drawer or in the back of your filing cabinet, communing with the dust bunnies, largely f…

Remember that thick stack of documents you received when you bought your condo or co-op? If you're like most people, they're probably sitting in a drawer or in the back of your filing cabinet, communing with the dust bunnies, largely f…
As housing sales in the Chicagoland area remain stagnant, legislation both nationally and locally relating to property ownership and management continue to remain active. The majority of the legislation introduced recently has sought t…
Condo, HOA, and co-op boards are generally made up of volunteers—and they're frequently a pretty diverse group. There’s the stay-at-home mom who’s looking to get involved with something beyond homework and housework. Maybe there’s also t…
As gasoline prices rise with increasing summer demand, building administrators' attention has turned sharply to the cost of energy, and ways to trim fat from their overall energy budgets. Yet for the nation’s nearly 60 million…
When you were little, your mother might have told you, “If you don’t have something nice to say, don’t say anything at all.” Momma was no fool. That was sound advice then, and it's even smarter in today’s litigious world, where …
Nestled halfway between Chicago and Milwaukee, Kenosha, Wisconsin is a historic quaint community and the fourth largest city on the shores of Lake Michigan. Kenosha is bordered by the lake to the east and is bordered by the Town of Som…
The Illinois State Bar Association (ISBA) has been the premier legal association in the state since being founded in 1877. As a voluntary organization, the ISBA’s primary focus is to help Illinois attorneys practice more effectively and …
The ongoing recession has changed the financial picture drastically for many residents, and their buildings are feeling the effects of late and missing assessment payments, owners unable to pay special assessments, and even owners who …
Q As property manager for a 36-unit condominium, we have received complaints about smoke emanating from a downstairs unit to an upstairs unit and common area hallway. There has been an ongoing feud for several years now between the ups…
Q Does the individual condo association board members and president have the legal right to remove a treasurer from duties without due cause and deny a chance for rebuttal?" —Procedural Proponent A “Almost every byla…
Q We have an owner in our condominium association, who is several months behind in his fees. He currently has a tenant in his unit. The association pays the bill for his water, sewage, pool and other amenities. Do we as an association h…