2012 February
Focus on... Board/Owner Relations

Owner Relations Not Just a Pretty Face
2012 February Not Just a Pretty Face

Descriptions of “vintage,” “refurbished” and “pre-owned” can persuade a decision toward some purchases—cars, computers, that perfect James Dean-era leather jacket—but for Chicagoland homebuyers, the allure of shiny and new is often too ha…

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Owner Relations Following the Golden Rule
2012 February Following the Golden Rule

 Nothing stays the same forever. As community standards, attitudes and  populations shift and evolve, rules and regulations that once made sense or  that reflected the views and standards of their day can become antiquated,  irrelevant, or…

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Owner Relations Involved & Invested
2012 February Involved & Invested

In a sprawling urban or suburban environment, people can feel isolated, even though they live close to each other. While high-rise residential buildings and suburban subdivisions put many families near one another, living close doesn’t …

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Owner Relations Renters on the Rise in Condominiums
2012 February Renters on the Rise in Condominiums

As the housing market in many parts of the country has floundered, many developers have taken creative approaches to stanch the outward flow of cash. In many markets, this means opting to convert portions of developments originally int…

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Real Estate Trends Revisiting Reverse Mortgages
2012 February Revisiting Reverse Mortgages

 According to the most recent U.S. Census, an estimated 285,000—or roughly 10 percent—of Chicagoland's population is over the age of 65. Older Chicagoans live in all  parts of the city, both integrated into their longtime neighborhoods and…

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Neighborhoods Evanston, Illinois
2012 February Evanston, Illinois

Located right off of Lake Michigan and minutes from the Chicago, the northern suburb of Evanston is home to more than 74,000 residents. This diverse population contributes to the city's unique and extensive cultural scene while at the …

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Q&A: Neighbor Resposible for Leak?
2012 February Q&A: Neighbor Resposible for Leak?

Q I've had an existing leak in my full bathroom since the unit owners above me have moved in. It so happens that their son runs a bath for as long as two hours at a time, blasting the water full force. Over time this has caused damage …

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Q&A: Legal or Illegal
2012 February Q&A: Legal or Illegal

Q A friend of mine is the president of a condo in Wicker Park. She had been working for the superintendent as a secretary when the super started his own business, which is on the condo premises. Although it's just office work, my frien…

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