You may be sitting at home on the couch scrolling through the TV listings—but rest assured that at that very moment, issues concerning your home are being discussed in the legislative arena. At any time, hundreds of thousands o…

You may be sitting at home on the couch scrolling through the TV listings—but rest assured that at that very moment, issues concerning your home are being discussed in the legislative arena. At any time, hundreds of thousands o…
Lawsuits are usually not an association’s go-to method for dispute resolution. Expensive and time-consuming, they can quickly turn into a financial burden and may create strained relations in the community. Unfortunately, in some cases …
While some condos and HOAs are lucky enough to have lawyers serve as members of their board, the majority of boards don’t have an in-house legal expert. They often reach out to their attorney to answer questions, vet documents, send the…
Walls are often the only separation between you and your neighbors when you live in a densely populated area like Chicago, and privacy sometimes seems to go out the window. People hear their next-door neighbors talking, footsteps from …
Q I live in a three-story building with 108 units, 36 per level. Our self-managed board is going to pay (out of our common elements maintenance fund) for the washing of bedroom and end unit windows, as they are difficult to reach. …
Q I am the president of a 60-unit condo association. One of our original owners, severely handicapped, lost his unit to bank foreclosure in December 2012. He was supposed to have moved out by January 3, 2013 but he is still here. We have…