2014 September
Focus on... Energy and The Environment

The Chicagoland Condo, HOA & Co-op Expo
2014 September The Chicagoland Condo, HOA & Co-op Expo

Circle the Date. The Chicagoland Cooperator returns to the Navy Pier to host the fourth annual Condo, HOA & Co-op Expo on Tuesday, October 28th. Admission is FREE for the trade show which runs from 10:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Come meet w…

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Energy Conservation Top 10 Energy Tips
2014 September Top 10 Energy Tips

There’s probably not a condo, HOA or co-op board that doesn’t worry about money at some point or another, which is why staying on top of the latest money-saving opportunities is vital for any building or community to be successful. One of …

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Energy Conservation Benchmarking 101
2014 September Benchmarking 101

Energy is money. And in big condo buildings, energy is big money—we’re talking thousands upon thousands of dollars in waste or savings. Most folks know that turning off lights in unoccupied rooms, taking shorter showers, and turning down t…

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Energy Conservation Submetering for Savings
2014 September Submetering for Savings

Funny thing about human nature—it’s not impulsively "natural" at all. Despite knowing that 1.1 billion people lack clean drinking water and thousands of children die from the diseases in that dirty water, people living in better circumstan…

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The Recycling Cycle
2014 September The Recycling Cycle

Chicago is trashy. Literally. Whether it’s paper plates, cups, napkins, food waste or E-waste, such as discarded computers, office electronic equipment, entertainment systems or mobile phones, every day, residents of the Windy City produce…

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Maintenance A Winterizing Maintenance Guide
2014 September A Winterizing Maintenance Guide

In terms of wear and tear on buildings, winter is the harshest season of the year. Snow accumulation and ice damming on roofs can be a major headache, pipes freezing and bursting could spell disaster, and just about any accumulation of wat…

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Law & Legislation Energy-Saving Incentives
2014 September Energy-Saving Incentives

If someone offered free advice and equipment to help you use less of his product, would you say it’s too good to be true? A lot of people do. That’s a challenge as Chicagoland’s electric and natural-gas utilities try to promote energy-savi…

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Community Building Oak Brook, Illinois
2014 September Oak Brook, Illinois

You'll have to search far and wide to find a town named for an exclusive polo club. In Chicagoland, though, you have to look no further than Oak Brook, Illinois. Back in 1922, Paul Butler organized a polo club and the village became …

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Q&A Q&A: Seen and Not Heard?
2014 September Q&A: Seen and Not Heard?

Q I live in a condo in which the majority of the residents are older or active adult age. However, it seems that there are several families with children with which we are having problems related to noise complaints. For the past year or …

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