Say the term “board president,” and most people envision a highly-paid position with great—if not absolute—authority and influence over a large company or foundation. While that may be the case in some arenas, the role of the bo…

Say the term “board president,” and most people envision a highly-paid position with great—if not absolute—authority and influence over a large company or foundation. While that may be the case in some arenas, the role of the bo…
It’s an oft-repeated refrain that condo and HOA boards are groups of unique individuals with their own perspective and opinions, so no two boards are ever the same. That being said, there are certain overall organizational characterist…
So the votes are counted, and the new board members are officially chosen. Now what? Many people join their co-op or condo board because they hope to jump right in and make major changes to their building or association. Lower…
Every co-op, condominium, and homeowners association has rules and regulations that residents and their guests must abide by. For the most part, they’re usually pretty straightforward and have minimal impact: no 200-pound dogs, no smoki…
Though the benefits of condominium and cooperative living are numerous, it’s human nature that where there are people, there will be conflict. Running to a lawyer every time a problem arises is hardly sensible. The legal process is slow…
The business of running a condo building or homeowners association—regardless of the size of the community—can often be complex. From interacting with vendors and service providers to handling conflicts between neighbors, managers and bo…
Q We are shareholders in our co-op. We bought our apartment because of its skylight. It's leaking though and the board refuses to repair the skylight. The board has ruled that if we insist on a repair, the co-op will cover the skyli…
Q Are board members allowed to go door-to-door collecting proxies to vote themselves on the board? —Officious Officeholders A “Under applicable law,” says attorney Andrew F. Lampert of the Chicago-based firm …
Q “We are a 38-unit condo complex. We have had trouble finding owners to serve as board. Can we require owners to serve at least one term on the condo board during the time that they are owners of a unit? Can we permit them to pay a …
Q The tenant below me smokes nonstop. Her windows are always fully open and the smoke travels directly into my apartment above. My apartment smells like an ashtray and of course leaves us vulnerable to second-hand smoke. Even with ou…