2011 September
Focus on... Energy & The Environment

The Chicagoland Cooperator's Condo, HOA & Co-op Expo
2011 September The Chicagoland Cooperator's Condo, HOA & Co-op Expo

Soon Chicagoland area's condo and HOA communities will be battening down the hatches for another brutal Midwest winter and thankfully there are some networking and educational resources that can be of help. This November, HOA …

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Energy Conservation Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
2011 September Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

As awareness of the environmental impact of consumerism has been increasingly accepted, recycling has grown in popularity throughout the country. Municipalities have approached the issue in varying ways with policies affecting homeowne…

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Energy Conservation Eco-Friendly Pest Control
2011 September Eco-Friendly Pest Control

Jena Ball couldn't sleep—the noise was deafening and keeping her awake night after night. The racket wasn't coming from the next door neighbors, but instead was emanating from inside her condo wall. "It was bizarre," says Ball. …

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Energy Conservation Healthy Buildings, Healthy Residents
2011 September Healthy Buildings, Healthy Residents

 While most people might catch the flu in the winter or suffer from allergies in  the spring, a building’s immune system is continually being tested. An environment that appears “healthy” on the surface could be plagued by invisible, odorl…

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Energy Conservation Saving Energy, Saving Money
2011 September Saving Energy, Saving Money

 The key to achieving savings in your home is a whole-house energy efficiency  plan. To take a whole-house approach, view your home as an energy system with  interdependent parts. For example, your heating system is not just a furnace—it's…

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Valued Volunteers
2011 September Valued Volunteers

 Living in a condominium community means working together. Cooperation and a  spirit of volunteerism are visible every day in community gatherings, board  meetings, even in the scheduling of time on the tennis courts. The men and  women wh…

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Too Much Stuff
2011 September Too Much Stuff

 “Sue“ is a retired professional who is well-to-do, rarely eats at home and has lived  in her condo for decades. While everything seems perfect from the outside, Sue  is the keeper of a dirty little secret.    When the unit above he…

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Q&A: Dealing with a Difficult Manager
2011 September Q&A: Dealing with a Difficult Manager

Q I live in a very small building and our condo board has turned over our building to a manager, who is running the condo as if unit owners work for her—not vice versa. The board likes not having to do anything. What recourse do unhappy …

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Q&A: Adding a Room?
2011 September Q&A: Adding a Room?

Q A condo owner in my building added an extra room to her condo in our common  basement—now the basement is getting smaller and her condo is getting bigger. Is it fraud  or theft to the member association? What can we do? She has been add…

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Q&A: Waiving Warranty of Habitability?
2011 September Q&A: Waiving Warranty of Habitability?

Q I am buying a condo. The developer wants me to waive the implied warranty of habitability? Is this normal? His reason being they rehabbed the building and didn't build it from scratch. Should I be alarmed? —Prospective Shopper …

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Think Spring
2011 September Think Spring

With the leafless trees and icy winds blowing along the shores of Lake Michigan, it is the perfect time for condo or co-op managers and building administrators to start thinking about repair and maintenance work for the upcoming spring.…

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