Category: Board Operations

Board Operations GET INVOLVED text on sticker with pen on black background
2023 Summer Increasing Board Involvement

There are plenty of reasons why many co-op, condo, and HOA residents would rather cross the street than talk about serving on their board. Maybe it’s the time demand—or maybe they have concerns about liability. Maybe it’s good old-fashioned…

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Board Operations Running Better Meetings
Fall 2022 Running Better Meetings

While the goal of any HOA board meeting is to determine the rules, regulations and property updates that best serve the interests of all the residents of a community, these meetings are often viewed as boring, long winded, and sometimes div…

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Board Operations Resident Engagement After COVID
Fall 2022 Resident Engagement After COVID

After two years of disruption, isolation, and loss, it appears that the pandemic is finally on the wane. And while the ultimate psychosocial and physical impact of the pandemic remains far-reaching and to a great extent unknown, everyone ha…

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Board Operations electronic signature concept - man sign distance contract with digital pen in mobile phone
2022 Winter Management Contracts 101

There are elements of board service that can vex even the most committed, most intrepid volunteer—and negotiating a building’s management contract is probably at the top of that list. Vexing or not, however, the extent and quality of servic…

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Board Operations Term Limits for Board Members:
Term Limits for Board Members:

Term limits are often a hot issue at all levels of government. Does capping the tenure of an elected official clear the way for new ideas and re-energize governance, or does it cut off expertise and knowledge that can really only be acquire…

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Board Operations A Look at Board Powers
Spring 2021 A Look at Board Powers

When one buys a private single-family home, it’s clear who the king or queen of the castle is: the homeowner. When it comes to condominiums and cooperative apartments, however, the relationship between owner and property is a little more co…

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Board Operations Transfer of Board Power Without a 'Condo Coup'
Transfer of Board Power Without a 'Condo Coup'

When purchasing a residence in a condominium, homeowners association or a co-op, you by default agree to reside in a community association. You live in relatively close proximity to your neighbors and equally share the right to utilize comm…

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Board Operations Dealing With Coronavirus Exposure
Dealing With Coronavirus Exposure

The coronavirus outbreak has highlighted the tension between the rights of the community and the rights of individuals. For now, governments are relying on their inherent police power to protect the community at large. Centers for Disease C…

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