Category: Law & Legislation

Law & Legislation Liability & the Law
2017 June Liability & the Law

It’s no secret that insurance is a necessity for any building or association. Nevertheless, the expense of coverage means that issues of liability and risk are all too often examined only after problems have occurred. Usually, insurance hol…

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Law & Legislation Issues that Cross State Lines
2017 June Issues that Cross State Lines

When it comes to legislation and legal issues that apply to condo associations, co-ops, and other multifamily housing models, the focus is often local—city ordinances, council meetings, and so forth – but there are judgments handed down and…

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Law & Legislation Revoking Access to Enforce Rules
2017 May Revoking Access to Enforce Rules

Oftentimes co-op, condo and HOA boards are faced with difficult choices when it comes to enforcing their community’s rules and regulations. Board service isn’t an easy thing, and while board members want to be understanding of their fellow …

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Law & Legislation Crisis Management
2016 November Crisis Management

According to the Washington, DC-based online database, the Gun Violence Archive, a mass shooting is an incident in which four or more individuals are wounded or killed. In 2015 alone, the U.S. faced 372 such incidents, leaving 475 people de…

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Law & Legislation Handling Litigation
2016 November Handling Litigation

No one likes a lawsuit. Whether filing one or finding yourself on the receiving end of one, they can cause stress, anxiety and an upending of daily life. They can be expensive, take months—even years—to resolve, and often result in hurt fee…

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Law & Legislation Managing Municipal Reimbursements
2016 June Managing Municipal Reimbursements

Let’s imagine that your boss invites you to a group dinner to celebrate her recent promotion. At dinner, you have a tasty salad and one glass of the house red, but your colleagues all have multiple cocktails; somebody orders the surf-and-tu…

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Law & Legislation Six Big Things Attorneys Wish Boards Knew
2016 June Six Big Things Attorneys Wish Boards Knew

Whether you serve on the board of a co-op, condo or HOA, chances are you and your fellow community administrators are volunteers. Perhaps you're fortunate enough that you or one of your colleagues has professional legal expertise to bring t…

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Law & Legislation Legislative Roundup
2016 June Legislative Roundup

The legislative season is upon us, and in many states, bills specifically dealing with co-ops, condos and HOAs are wending their way through the legislative process. Even when bills aren't aimed directly at those forms of home ownership, ma…

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Law & Legislation Criminal Activity in HOAs
2016 May Criminal Activity in HOAs

Living in a building or association means living in a community where residents get to know each other, attend events together and, sometimes even become close friends. In most cases, the people you meet are regular, down-to-earth folks, bu…

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