Category: Management

Management Click app icons set. Vector illustrations. Play, like, power, new follower notification. UI/UX user interface
2022 Winter Co-ops, Condos, HOAs & Social Media

Fans of the TV show “Seinfeld” may recall an episode in which the character Kramer posts the names and photos of all the residents in his building in the lobby so everybody can get to know each other better—maybe even (gasp) say “hello” to …

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Management Structural Inspections
Spring 2021 Structural Inspections

In light of the catastrophic, deadly condo building collapse in Surfside, Florida, at the end of June, boards and residents in multifamily buildings across the country are taking a hard look at how their own properties measure up to the str…

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Management Neighbor Noise
Spring 2021 Neighbor Noise

Noise is an acknowledged part of urban life–particularly apartment living.  Some of it—traffic, garbage collection, people shouting on the street—is external, and is controlled (theoretically, anyway) by zoning laws and noise ordinances. So…

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Management Social Programming vs. Social Distancing
Winter 2020 Social Programming vs. Social Distancing

For many buyers, a key factor in deciding to purchase a home in a residential community rather than opt for private, single-family ownership is often the appeal of amenities that come with condo, co-op, and HOA living—pools, gyms, clubhouse…

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Management Self-Management in Stressful Times
Winter 2020 Self-Management in Stressful Times

While many condominium associations and co-op corporations hire professional property managers or management firms to handle the routine (and not-so-routine) tasks involved in running a multifamily building or HOA, a significant number take…

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Management Management in Crisis
Winter 2020 Management in Crisis

The day-to-day life of a property manager—while not quite as predictable as that of, say, an accountant—does revolve around certain cyclical tasks, like building inspections, staff meetings, and keeping boards informed of what is going on w…

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Management Supporting Essential Building Workers
Fall 20 Supporting Essential Building Workers

While residents of condos, co-ops, and HOAs do their part to prevent the spread of COVID-19 by staying in their homes as much as they can, they rely on the supers, porters, valets, doorpeople, janitorial workers, handymen and -women, securi…

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Management Community Meetings in the Time of COVID
Fall 20 Community Meetings in the Time of COVID

Social distancing, lockdowns, quarantine, remote work, distance learning—these once unfamiliar terms have changed the way we live our everyday lives in the time of a global pandemic. In a society where a handshake is the social gesture that…

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Management Living by the Rules
Fall 20 Living by the Rules

It’s a common bit for comedians and TV sitcoms: making fun of the ‘condo police’—those neighbors who take it upon themselves to enforce the rules set up by your condominium association or co-op corporation to regulate community living. They…

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Management Reopening Your Community
Reopening Your Community

Editor’s Note: During this crisis, The Cooperator family of publications will be passing along information, tips, and FAQs submitted by our network of industry professionals, including attorneys, managers, and other subject matter experts. …

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