With over 100 new EV models announced by auto manufacturers, there has never been a better time for car owners to start planning to go electric. Samantha Bingham, Clean Transportation Program Director and Coordinator of the Chicago Area Cle…

With over 100 new EV models announced by auto manufacturers, there has never been a better time for car owners to start planning to go electric. Samantha Bingham, Clean Transportation Program Director and Coordinator of the Chicago Area Cle…
Adjust the focus of past (very popular) seminars on the topic to include defusing tension and hostility at meetings, the impact (for good and ill) of social media, including platforms like Nextdoor (for neighbors) and Yelp (for management),…
I am often asked by the board members and property managers of my condominium and community association clients to attend open board meetings. I enjoy attending open board meetings because they provide an opportunity to observe how these as…
While the goal of any HOA board meeting is to determine the rules, regulations and property updates that best serve the interests of all the residents of a community, these meetings are often viewed as boring, long winded, and sometimes div…
After two years of disruption, isolation, and loss, it appears that the pandemic is finally on the wane. And while the ultimate psychosocial and physical impact of the pandemic remains far-reaching and to a great extent unknown, everyone ha…
We hear about them all the time. Whole movies are made about them. Those nosey, controlling, downright hostile neighbors who can make your life miserable. Having one down the hall or next door is bad enough—imagine what happens when they e…
Buying into a residential community like a co-op, condominium, or HOA can be a bit like selecting the political system you’d like to live under. Governance styles can range from an Athenian democracy where every member of the community is i…
So much of what we do and own these days is defined—often redefined—by technology, including our assets. Cryptocurrency is a prime example. While not really ‘money’ in the traditional sense of dollars or pounds or euros, and in no way simil…
Americans are a particularly litigious lot, believing as many of us do that we are endowed with the inalienable right to life, liberty…and the pursuit of recompense for any slight or wrong done to us, real or perceived. This tendency is unf…
At the heart of co-op and condo living is the association or corporation board, that unique self-governing body that directs the community and carries out its mission to uphold quality of life and preserve the investment of its members. Boa…