CooperatorEvents is thrilled to be back at Navy Pier in Chicago on Thursday, October 17 from 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. for this fall’s Chicagoland Expo, and we think you will be too. If you’ve joined us for previous shows, you know there’s just …

CooperatorEvents is thrilled to be back at Navy Pier in Chicago on Thursday, October 17 from 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. for this fall’s Chicagoland Expo, and we think you will be too. If you’ve joined us for previous shows, you know there’s just …
Over the past few years, operating expenses for everything from fuel to labor to the cost of cleaning supplies have been steadily rising —and disrupting co-op and condo association budgets—all over the country. The premiums for properly ins…
Unit owners, board members, and even property managers are often confused about their responsibilities regarding damage inside and outside individual units. This confusion arises for several reasons, primarily because a building’s bylaws us…
Cleaning products are designed with a straightforward goal: to reduce dirt and grime. But once you delve deeper into their overall purpose, things become more complex. What makes something really clean? Does it just look shinier? Smell bett…
The impacts of climate change are vast and interrelated. While natural factors like solar variations, the planet’s orbital shifts, and volcanic eruptions occur cyclically and have nothing to do with people, human activity adds significantly…
CooperatorNews Chicagoland has been reporting on matters related to multifamily living, governance, and operations for the better part of four decades, expanding from the New York City metro area to various east coast, midwest, and western …
As the solar industry continues to expand, it is crucial to understand that the successful implementation of photovoltaic (PV) systems, commonly called solar energy systems, goes beyond simply purchasing solar panels. At the start of a pro…
Did you know that March 23 is World Elevator Day? Now you do. (You’re welcome.) On that date way back in 1857, the first passenger elevator was installed in the E.V. Haughwout Building—an upscale, five-story department store in Manhattan’s …
The lobby of your building is more than just a transitional space between outdoors and in; it’s an important component in the life of your co-op or condo community. It’s where you enter your home. It’s where your visitors (and potential bu…
Nothing lasts forever, not even your roof. While roofs have a relatively long life compared to other building systems and components, at some point they will need either partial or full replacement. Here are the facts and factors you and yo…