Category: Maintenance

Exterior Keeping the Rain Off
2013 March Keeping the Rain Off

 After the four walls of a given structure, the roof is sometimes referred to as  the “fifth plane”—and just like the walls that hold it up, the roof is an all-important structure  that can make or break a building’s performance. Chicagola…

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Maintenance When Winter Wanes
2013 February When Winter Wanes

 April showers may bring May flowers, but the snow and ice storms of December and  January are certain to bring a busy work schedule to Chicagoland condominium  properties.    Whether the region experiences a typical winter—with its…

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Maintenance Inventory Control
2012 November Inventory Control

 You may not realize it, but your building may be hemorrhaging money. Not in the  form of disastrous lawsuits or maintenance crises like a collapsed roof or  exploded boiler, but in a steady trickle coming from your method of ordering  sup…

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Maintenance Romancing the Stone
2012 November Romancing the Stone

 If you want to make a good impression, nothing quite says luxury and elegance  like a vast expanse of polished marble—particularly in the lobby of an upscale condominium or co-op building. Marble  has been used in palaces, temples, and ho…

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Maintenance The Ice Squad
2012 November The Ice Squad

 As any good condo administrator knows—either through common sense or painful experience - failing to clean up snow or  ice promptly can result in injuries, acrimony, and expensive lawsuits. Any one  of those is reason enough to get seriou…

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Maintenance Breathe In, Breathe Out:
2012 November Breathe In, Breathe Out:

 Few things are as important to our health and well-being as the air we breathe,  especially inside our own homes. That is why it is so important for individual  homeowners as well as management to stay up-to-date on issues of indoor air  …

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Maintenance The Water Way
2012 November The Water Way

As we go about our busy lives, we often forget about everyday physical facts—like the unceasing tension gravity places on the materials we assemble into buildings and other structures, for example. Whether or not we are paying attention…

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Building Notice to Cure!
2012 November Notice to Cure!

 Despite the due diligence of boards and property managers, building code  violations can occur during routine inspections—be it a faulty pipe, broken step or rusted fire escape. It is the speed and  accuracy of addressing these infraction…

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Building Smart Buildings, Smart Boards
2012 November Smart Buildings, Smart Boards

 If phones can be “smart,” why not buildings? With the ever-expanding array of consumer technology  available today, it should come as no surprise that residential buildings are  incorporating more and more cutting-edge technology into the…

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Building On the Bricks
2012 November On the Bricks

Brickwork is everywhere across the Chicagoland area. Around since the early 1600s, the popular building material is commonly used not only because of its aesthetic appeal, but also because of its practicality. Naturally weatherproof, b…

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