Category: Maintenance

Building Covering Your Bases
2012 November Covering Your Bases

 Warranties for products are simple to understand, most people might think. You  go to the store, buy a computer or a DVD player or a TV, or even a larger  appliance like a refrigerator, and you get a piece of paper describing a  one-year …

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Maintenance Brew Your Own Juice
2012 August Brew Your Own Juice

 When the power goes out and city dwellers are left in the dark, people assume  they won’t be stuck in cold apartments for days. Just as we expect our hospitals to have  backup power generators to save patients who are on life support syst…

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Maintenance The Sound and the Fury
2012 August The Sound and the Fury

 Noise is a key quality-of-life problem for almost anyone living in a  densely-packed urban environment. It's the bane of many a condo-dweller’s existence, and over the years engineers, architects, and designers have tried  any number of w…

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Maintenance Caulk it Up!
2012 July Caulk it Up!

 With the possible exception of fire, nothing is more damaging to residential  buildings and the property of their occupants as leaks. Whether it’s a torrential deluge from the upstairs neighbor’s overflowing bathtub or a slow, seeping lea…

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Maintenance HVAC Insider
2012 June HVAC Insider

 With harsh winters and blistering hot summers, those living in Chicagoland’s condominium and townhome communities understand the importance of properly  working heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems.    That’s w…

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Exterior Concrete Concerns
2012 March Concrete Concerns

In Chicago, urban high-rises with sidewalk frontage and suburban HOAs containing walking paths, parking lots, and service roads are reliant on their paved surfaces for conducting their everyday business. Therefore, it's crucial that bu…

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Exterior Let There Be Light
2012 March Let There Be Light

There was a time when most large residential developments relied on glaring floodlights to brighten parking lots, front porches and entryways. Today, there is more to exterior lighting than just chasing shadows away and discouraging cr…

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Exterior Deck it Out
2012 March Deck it Out

When you consider all the different exterior components that a condo association has to deal with, decks are sort of like the Rodney Dangerfield of the list—they rarely get any respect. “Decks are definitely something that peop…

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Exterior Green Exteriors
2012 March Green Exteriors

More often than not, when boards or associations broach the issue of their buildings “going green,” images of bamboo flooring, hemp drapes, or solar panels on the roof suddenly spring to mind. The impression seems to be that in a condo,…

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Maintenance Keeping Up Appearances
2011 November Keeping Up Appearances

 Hardy Chicagoans stash their winter coats away as soon as spring temperatures  allow; and, come fall, they resist pulling out those parkas again until their  teeth are chattering. Buildings, however, need preparation that’s a little more …

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