Category: Board Operations

Board Operations To Claim, or Not to Claim?
2014 August To Claim, or Not to Claim?

Individuals, associations and other entities carry insurance coverage to protect them from liability, loss, and other financial and legal threats—that's pretty basic. What isn't always so basic is deciding when to file a claim versus payin…

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Board Operations The ABC’s of Insuring Your Condo
2014 August The ABC’s of Insuring Your Condo

Sometimes insurance and the terms that accompany it can feel like a completely foreign language. It can be mystifying and overwhelming, whether for individual condo residents or the board members who oversee the community as a whole. The i…

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Board Operations When Waters Rise
2014 August When Waters Rise

When is a flood not a flood? That’s a serious question for Chicagoland’s residential communities. Even if they have flood insurance, damage caused by heavy rains and backed-up sewers may not meet the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP)…

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Board Operations To Choose or Not to Choose
2014 July To Choose or Not to Choose

Running the day-to-day business of a condo development or an HOA of any size—be it a sprawling, multi-building community, or a single self-contained building—requires not just a functional board but a team of competent outside professional…

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Board Operations Monster Meetings
2014 June Monster Meetings

The headline of a recent Walpole, Massachusetts newspaper article reads: “Fight between Walpole selectmen cuts meeting short.” The first sentence of the article stated, “Selectmen came to verbal blows on Tuesday night, prompting other boar…

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Board Operations A Board Too Far
2014 April A Board Too Far

Having a disinterested, apathetic board is a problem in some buildings, though a board that oversteps the boundaries of its power or invades the privacy of residents, also can cause hassles. By educating and informing themselves of the ext…

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Board Operations Do It Yourself…Or Not?
2013 November Do It Yourself…Or Not?

This country was founded with a heavy dose of independence and a strong “Do-It-Yourself” attitude. The DIY mindset, with roots in Europe and European culture, crossed the Atlantic Ocean with the earliest immigrants and became part of the A…

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Board Operations Delegate, Delegate, Delegate
2013 October Delegate, Delegate, Delegate

Read any of the major business publications or websites and you’re bound to find articles on the importance of delegating. It’s one of the most fundamental skills for a successful business owner to have. A simple Internet search finds scor…

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Board Operations Dealing With the Disruptive
2013 October Dealing With the Disruptive

Living in a condo means putting up with certain occasional inconveniences: that curious odor emanating from the neighbor’s unit, the downstairs saxophone player who practices every Tuesday afternoon, or that one resident that insists at ev…

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Board Operations Meeting Minders
2013 October Meeting Minders

You may love your building. You may even love your neighbors and the members of your board. But there are few people who can say that they love their monthly board meetings or annual shareholder meetings. That’s because many of these meeti…

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